

Graduation Requirements

Summit Academy High School offers 3 diploma options, including the Summit Diploma, Honors Diploma, and AP Capstone Diploma. Please contact your counselor for more information.

Learn more

What is Credit Recovery? 

Credit recovery is an opportunity for students who have previously taken a course and did not earn credit to re-take the course and recover the credit. The recovery credit is earned by re-taking the same course through approved curriculum and earning a "Pass" grade for the course. The previous grade and the "Pass" both are entered onto the student's transcript. Credit recovery does not replace a student's grade. 

Summit Academy High School offers free credit recovery for our students. Our program offers standards-aligned curriculum and customizable video-based instruction. With this program, Summit Academy is able to monitor and track student progress which enables us to help students achieve goals and continue on the path towards graduation.

 Please see or email our Credit Recovery Specialist, Jocelyn Staller for more information and to sign up!

What is Original Credit? 

Original credit is the credit earned when a student has not taken the class before. The student earns academic credit at the completion of the course and typically earns a letter grade.

What is Grade Replacement? 

If a student is dissatisfied with a letter grade and wants to replace it with a higher grade, a student can retake the same course through an approved provider that offers original credit. The student must meet with their school counselor and complete the necessary paperwork prior to enrolling in the course. • Credit Option Information Sheet • Summit Academy PE WaiverWhat is Grade Replacement? If a student is dissatisfied with a letter grade and wants to replace it with a higher grade, a student can retake the same course through an approved provider that offers original credit. The student must meet with their school counselor and complete the necessary paperwork prior to enrolling in the course. 

                          • Credit Option Information Sheet

                          • Summit Academy PE Waiver

Summit Academy Edgenuity Program 

• Used for making up a failed course for Grade Replacement AND/OR original credit). 

• Meet with your counselor to get courses approved. 

• Work with Jocelyn Staller to work through the program.

 • No cost for the first 45 days of a course. Extensions per course (additional 45 days $25) 

 Edgenuity Updates and Information


• Used for making up a failed course for Grade Replacement AND/OR original credit). 

• Register at • Click on "Grades 9-12" - Add a Course 

• Username and password is the same as Skyward & CANVAS 

• In the right hand corner select +Add Course 

• A drop down menu will give list of current classes offered - select a class - up to 4 can be taken at one time

 • Canyons Online Helpful Hints 

• Canyons Online Session Dates

• NO Cost


• Used for making up a failed course - Not eligible for NCAA or Grade Replacement

 • To register for Jordan High Night School: • Visit

 • Username and password is the same as Skyward & CANVAS 

• Select the session you want to sign up for - sessions are 8 days from 3pm-5pm

 • Limited to Core Classes only - English, Math, Science, Social Studies 

• Cost - $35/quarter credit 

• Please contact Jordan High Counseling Center with any questions: 801-826-6220


Used for making up a failed course AND/OR for original credit - not NCAA approved To register for Northridge packets: 

• Visit

• Click on "High School Packets" 

• Select subject area and section (Section is which quarter that needs to be completed 

• Go to cart and complete account information 

• Cost - $56.50/quarter credit


 • Used for making up a failed course - not eligible for NCAA or grade replacement)

 • To purchase packets at Diamond Ridge High School 

                     • Meet with your counselor and get the credit recovery packet form

                     • Take form to Diamond Ridge High School, 825 E 9085 S, and purchase packet

                     • Limited to Core Classes only - English, Math, Science, Social Studies 

                     • Cost - $35/quarter credit


Used for making up a failed course AND/OR for original credit

• Cost - $52 to $154/semester credit 

• To purchase a BYU Independent Study: 

                   • Visit for a full offering of high school courses.

                   • Order online or by phone (1-800-914-8931) 

                   • Give CCHS’s ACT code (450-073) when you register so that your counselor can be aware of your credit. 

                   • Cost - $170 to $280/semester Credit


• May be used for making up a failed course AND/OR original credit) 

• To register for another state approved online provider at

 • Select a provider and follow their respective registration process 

• Cost may apply and can vary by provider 

INFORMATION ON GRADE REPLACEMENT (Utah State Board of Education ruling R277-717) can be found at Grade replacement forms must be submitted to the registrar prior to enrolling in the replacement course. Grade replacement forms can be picked up from the counseling office. 

Summit Academy accepts credits approved through AdvancED accreditation. To verify accreditation of a chosen program please check or go to 

**** Please note: Not all options carry a letter grade, are approved by the NCAA, or can be used for grade replacement