Policies & Procedures

Summit Academy is committed to providing a quality education for every student and recognize that regular student attendance is essential to the instructional process. Students learn the value of being punctual, present, and prepared. Frequent absences of students from the day-to-day classroom disrupts the instructional process and make it difficult for the student to receive maximum benefit from their educational experience. Also, frequent absences and tardiness prove disruptive for students, teachers, and staff. Excessive absences may lead to a student's permanent dismissal from Summit Academy.

Parents/guardians are expected to take a proactive role in ensuring their children attend school. We recommend families plan their vacations around the Summit Academy calendar. Medical and dental appointments should take place outside of school hours if possible. Parents should notify the school in advance of any absence. Parents/guardians and students are responsible for obtaining homework or assignments for the time period which the student is absent.

Summit Academy will seek to accurately monitor and record attendance information, annually review attendance data, and consider revisions to the policy to encourage student attendance. This policy will be provided to parents/guardians annually and will be available for review by parents or interested parties.

Summit Academy Attendance Policy

As part of our duty to provide opportunities for the community to report potential fraudulent financial activity, the following link details ways a fraud claim can be submitted to the State of Utah Hotline: https://www.schools.utah.gov/internalaudit.

Immunization Requirements for Kindergarten & 7th Grade

The following information outlines the immunization requirements for students at Summit Academy.  You must have proof of all required immunizations.  Students will not be allowed to attend school without receiving all the required vaccines for their age group. 

Effective July 1, 2018, proof of immunity to disease(s) can be accepted in place of vaccination if written proof from a healthcare provider stating that the student has previously contracted the disease is presented to the school.

Students in all grades (K through 12) must be immunized adequately according to Utah state guidelines.  The timing and spacing of vaccine doses are important in the appropriate use of vaccines.  Contact your child's health provider or the local health department if you have questions regarding your child's immunization status.

The local health department offers low cost vaccines if you have Medicaid, no insurance, or if you are unable to pay full price for them.  Appointments for immunizations may be required at the health department.  For a list of local health departments, clinic hours, and accepted insurance plans, visit the Salt Lake County Health Department Locations page.

Immunization Exemptions - Updated Laws Effective July 1, 2018

Starting July 1, 2018, parents/guardians will have two options for claiming an exemption for vaccines that are required for school entry:

  • Complete and online education module and print off the exemption form (free of charge).
  • Or obtain an in-person consultation and exemption form through the local health department
    (an appointment may be required and there may be a charge of up to $25).

Vaccination exemptions obtained in elementary school will stay valid until a student enters 7th grade.

  • A new exemption form is required when a student enters 7th grade.
  • Vaccination exemptions obtained in 7th grade or thereafter will stay valid until a student completes 12th grade.

Please note that the online education module will only provide one exemption form per child.  For example, if there are twins in the family, then the online education module must be completed twice in order have an exemption form for each child.

Vaccination exemptions from another state and another country are not accepted.

To learn more about the new rules and regulations regarding vaccination exemptions and to access the online education module, visit the Utah Department of Health Immunization Program's website.

Conditional Enrollment and Exclusion

  • A student who has received at least one dose of each required vaccine and is currently on schedule for subsequent vaccines may attend school.  The remaining vaccines must be completed on schedule in order to stay in school.
  • Students who are past due for their vaccines will receive written notice and be given a deadline to comply with the requirements.  Failure to meet the requirements will result in the student being excluded from school per state guidelines until the requirements have been fulfilled.
