Summit Academy is a STEM Spanish Dual Language Immersion School since 2022.
Non Spanish speaking students can be accepted into the program in 1st or 2nd grade. Native speakers can join at any time. The Spanish Immersion program continues through 12th grade, at which time students will graduate just 2 classes short of a minor in Spanish.
Summit Academy Draper Dual Immersion students will spend half of their instructional school day learning subjects in Spanish and the other half learning in English. Each of our students participate in the same rigorous school curriculum in both halves of the day, with the same learning outcomes expected.
The DLI program is designed for students starting in grades 1 & 2. Each year we will continue to add a year until we offer all grade levels (1st-8th) at our school.
In order to apply for the program, students will need to be accepted through the lottery at the Bluffdale campus and have their registration completed before receiving an application for the immersion program. Please note: the application does not guarantee enrollment into the program.
Usually there are more people interested in the program than there is space. School personnel will determine the number of spaces that will be available for students enrolled at the campus including spaces for students not currently enrolled and applying through the lottery process. The number of spaces available for the program is based on campus enrollment and depending on the need of the school to maintain the traditional and dual immersion programs. Once the application process closes for current Summit students, a lottery will be used to determine placement in the program for new-to Summit students.
Our selection for priority consideration is outlined below:
If there are still spaces available after the immersion lottery has taken place, spots will be filled on a first-come first-served basis as applications are received. Families who do not wish to have their child participate in the program may turn down their slot. New students will then be offered until the classes are filled.
Notification of placement into the program and those placed on a waiting list will be sent out by email. Those who are selected must return the Parent Commitment Form by the deadline or they will forfeit their place in the program and be placed on a waiting list.