About Us



Positive School Culture


We Challenge Ourselves

At Summit Academy, we provide a rigorous educational environment based on the principles of high academic achievement and specialized instruction for the benefit of all students.




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Welcome to Summit Academy Kindergarten! We're so excited to have your student join us this year! In Kindergarten we work hard and play hard!

Our Language Arts focus is making sure our letter and sound knowledge is very solid, along with our early-reading skills and patterns.

In Math we work on fluency in numbers from 0-25, counting to 100, and basic addition and subtraction skills.

We have a lot of fun Social Studies and Science units throughout the year including 5 Senses, Holidays Around the World, Emotions, Families, and more.

We do some special projects in Kindergarten including our Science Fair, Road Rally, Field trip to Wheeler Farm, and visit from Discovery Gateway Children's Museum.

Kindergarten is a big adjustment from Preschool and Daycare, but we love the resilience of our 5-year-old friends. We can't wait for your student to join us!



First Grade

 First grade at Summit Academy helps our students transition from kindergarten to a more academically focused environment, but we also make sure to have fun! In the mornings we focus on creating Rockstar Readers, and work with each student individually to help them progress.  We read both fiction and non-fiction.  Having parent volunteers is always the highlight of the day!

 Afternoons are spent learning math, social studies, and science.  Students learn experientially about the life cycle of plants and animals. We even take a field trip to Red Butte Gardens and the Museum of Natural History.  It’s such a fun day! 

 Together our team has over 30 years of public and private school teaching experience. We meet weekly to talk about our students and work together to ensure each child is seen as a whole person and has as much individualized instruction and attention as possible. 



Second Grade

Second grade is a fun and exciting year! We do many fun lessons and field trips.

In science we study landforms, habitats, and matter. Starting at the beginning of the year and throughout the rest of the year students participate in fun science experiments. We go to the BYU Bean Science Museum to learn about animal habitats and adaptations.  Hogle Zoo and Loveland Living Planet Aquarium come to talk about habitats and bring small animals in for the students to interact with.

History focuses on culture and family traditions, oceans and continents, and during Christmas the students participate in Christmas Around the World activities.  In April, second grade performs in a program for the school and families that focuses on the seven continents.

Our Language Arts focus is reading fluently and accurately to support comprehension and developing writing skills.

In math we work on fluency in math facts, double digit addition and subtraction, and one and two step word problems.

We look forward to having your student joins us for a year of wonderful learning experiences.



Third Grade

     Third grade is amazing at Summit Academy.  We excel in academics and enjoy many fun and engaging activities.   In October, we take part in a walking field trip around Draper.  We visit many sites where we learn the history of our community and how it has grown, adapted, and changed over time. In December, we have a force and motion fair where we display our original and creative projects.  In February, we perform a production of “Folktales Around the World.”  The students design and make their own props, enthusiastically master their lines, and put on an amazing show.  In the spring, we visit the Loveland Living Planet Aquarium to learn about how biotic and abiotic parts of an ecosystems interact and thrive. 

     In language arts, we build upon the foundation of reading established in the lower grades.  We become “detectives” searching for main ideas, themes, and figurative language.  We learn to read with purpose and find enjoyment reading various genres. 

     In math, we master multiplication and division facts.  We use our knowledge and skills to solve word problems and tackle real life situations.    We learn area, perimeter, polygons, fractions, and many more interesting concepts. 

     In science, we study life cycles, force and motion, weather and climate, traits and inheritance, and ecosystems.  At the end of each unit, we complete a STEM project where we get to put our creativity to work. 

     In history, we study communities and cultures and how they interact both locally and globally.  We learn about how geography, natural resources, and climate affect communities.  We also study the richness of the indigenous communities and how they utilized their resources to thrive, and how they adapted and changed over time. 

     Please come and join us in third grade.  It is an amazing year of learning facilitated by qualified, dedicated, and enthusiastic teachers!



Fourth Grade

In fourth grade we get to talk about Native Americans and pioneers. These topics come with lots of fun activities like sand painting, a pioneer walk, and pioneer simulation. 

In science we get to build a model of an eye and a finger as well as observe star patterns and learn about how energy transfers between objects. We have lots of fun field trips! We go to the Planetarium, do a Mountain Man Rendezvous, and the Aquarium comes to visit.

You also get to learn how to play the recorder and perform for your parents.



Fifth Grade