NOTICE: The items on this list will be used during the regular school day. They may be brought from home on a voluntary basis. Otherwise, they will be furnished by the school.
Kindergarten Supply List - Bluffdale 2024-2025 School Year
Personal Supplies:
1 box of 24 count Crayola Crayons
4 Black fine point expo markers
1 set of water paints
5 glue sticks
Optional Items:
Any colored copy paper
White cardstock
Ziploc bags -gallon, quart or sandwich size
Black sharpies
Washable fat tip markers
Snacks for hungry tummies
Paper plates/cups/napkins
*1 headphones. We provide headphones with all of our electronics. However, if you prefer to bring your own, they must be wired, over the head only, removed from the packaging, and placed in a zip lock bag that is labeled with your child’s name so they may be returned.
1st Grade Spanish Dual Immersion Supply List - Bluffdale
(Please label only items that have a * with student names)
Personal Supplies:
*2 vinyl folders (1 red/1 blue if possible)
*1 one inch white binder with slip front (to slide in a paper)
1 Package of #2 pencils - sharpened if possible
Optional Items:
1 box of colored pencils
1 box of washable markers
2 pkgs. of black fine point expo markers
1 pack pencil top erasers
12 Glue Sticks
Ziploc bags – Gallon & Quart sizes
Ream of any color cardstock
Ream of any colorful copy paper
Ream of White cardstock
*1 headphones. We provide headphones with all of our electronics. However, if you prefer to bring your own, they must be wired, over the head only, removed from the packaging, and placed in a zip lock bag that is labeled with your child’s name so they may be returned.
1st Grade Non- Dual Immersion Supply List - Bluffdale 2024-2025 School Year
(Please label only items that have a * with student names)
Personal Supplies:
*1 Primary composition notebook (pages have primary lined pages and a space to draw a picture at the top)
*2 regular composition notebooks
1 package of #2 pencils - sharpened if possible
Optional Items:
1 box of washable markers
2 pkgs. of black fine point expo markers
12 Glue Sticks
Ream of colored cardstock paper- any color
Ziploc bags – Gallon & Quart sizes
Ream of colored copy paper-Any color
*1 headphones. We provide headphones with all of our electronics. However, if you prefer to bring your own, they must be wired, over the head only, removed from the packaging, and placed in a zip lock bag that is labeled with your child’s name so they may be returned.
2nd Grade Spanish Dual Immersion Supply List - Bluffdale 2024-2025 School Year
(Please label only items that have a * with student names)
Personal Items:
*2- pocket folder
*1 primary composition notebook (pages have primary lined pages and a space to draw a picture at the top)
*1 Pencil box
1- 3 prong folder for their writing portfolio
1 package #2 pencils- sharpened if possible
1-12ct or 24ct box of colored pencils
Optional Items:
1 Pack colored markers
Black fine point expo markers
Large pink erasers
Ziploc bags – sandwich or snack size
*1 headphones. We provide headphones with all of our electronics. However, if you prefer to bring your own, they must be wired, over the head only, removed from the packaging, and placed in a zip lock bag that is labeled with your child’s name so they may be returned.
We’d love any incentives that you could provide for our classroom behavior prize box.
2nd Grade Non Dual Immersion Supply List - Bluffdale 2024-2025 School Year
(Please label only items that have a * with student names)
Personal Items:
*1 Pencil box
*1- 24 ct. box of crayons
*1 Set of washable watercolor paints (with 12 colors)
*1-24 ct. box of colored pencils
1 package #2 pencils- sharpened if possible
Optional Items:
Black fine point expo markers
Large pink erasers
Fine point black sharpies
Ziploc bags – sandwich or snack size
Ream of colored printer paper
*1 headphones. We provide headphones with all of our electronics. However, if you prefer to bring your own, they must be wired, over the head only, removed from the packaging, and placed in a zip lock bag that is labeled with your child’s name so they may be returned.
3rd Grade Spanish Dual Immersion Supply List - Bluffdale 2024-2025 School Year
(Please label only items that have a * with student names)
Personal Items:
*1- pencil bag
*3- Composition books (100 pages)
1- box of 12 count or 24 count colored pencils
1- 24 count box of crayons
1 package #2 Pencils- sharpened if possible
6- glue sticks
4 - Fine point black EXPO markers
Optional Items:
White cardstock
Colored printer paper
Large colored expo markers
Extra colored pencils
*1 headphones. We provide headphones with all of our electronics. However, if you prefer to bring your own, they must be wired, over the head only, removed from the packaging, and placed in a zip lock bag that is labeled with your child’s name so they may be returned.
3rd Grade Non Dual Immersion Supply List - Bluffdale 2024-2025 School Year
(Please label only items that have a * with student names)
Personal Items:
*1- pencil box
*1- 1 ½ inch WHITE binder
*2-100 page composition books
1 box 12 count colored pencils
1 package #2 Pencils -sharpened if possible.
12 glue sticks
4 - Fine point expo markers
Optional items:
White cardstock
Colored printer paper
Large colored EXPO marker
Extra colored pencils
*1 pair of headphones. We provide headphones with all of our electronics. However, if you prefer to bring your own, they must be wired, over the head only, removed from the packaging, and placed in a zip lock bag that is labeled with your child’s name so they may be returned.
4th Grade Spanish Dual Immersion Supply List-Bluffdale 2024-2025 School Year
(Please label only items that have a * with student names)
Personal Items:
*2 composition notebooks(100 page), in these colors RED, and BLUE (if possible)
*4 poly folders in these colors RED, BLUE, GREEN, AND YELLOW (if possible)
*1 pencil pouch (No boxes please)
*24 count box of colored pencils
2 package of lined paper (wide rule please)
24 #2 pencils- sharpened if possible
4 black bold expo markers
4 glue sticks
Optional Items:
Ream of any colored copy paper
Cardstock - white or colored
Package of pencil top erasers
*1 headphones. We provide headphones with all of our electronics. However, if you prefer to bring your own, they must be wired, over the head only, removed from the packaging, and placed in a zip lock bag that is labeled with your child’s name so they may be returned.
4th Grade Non Dual Immersion Supply List-Bluffdale 2024-2025 School Year
(Please label only items that have a * with student names)
Personal Items:
*2 composition notebooks(100 page), in these colors RED, and BLUE (if possible)
*4 poly folders in these colors RED, BLUE, GREEN, AND YELLOW (if possible)
*1 pencil pouch (No boxes please)
*24 count box of colored pencils
2 package of lined paper (wide rule please)
24 #2 pencils- sharpened if possible
4 black bold expo markers
4 glue sticks
Optional Items:
Ream of any colored copy paper
Cardstock- white or colored
Package of pencil top erasers
*1 headphones. We provide headphones with all of our electronics. However, if you prefer to bring your own, they must be wired, over the head only, removed from the packaging, and placed in a zip lock bag that is labeled with your child’s name so they may be returned.
5th Grade Supply List - Bluffdale 2024-2025 School Year
(Please label items that have a * with student name)
Personal Items:
*2 Spiral Notebooks
*1 Folder
24 pack of #2 pencils - sharpened if possible
8 Glue Sticks
1 Package of lined paper
Optional items:
Ziplock Bags - gallon, quart or sandwich size
Expo Markers - any kind, any color
*1 headphones. We provide headphones with all of our electronics. However, if you prefer to bring your own, they must be wired, over the head only, removed from the packaging, and placed in a zip lock bag that is labeled with your child’s name so they may be returned.
6th Grade Supply List - Bluffdale 2024-2025 School Year
Please label only items that have a * with student names)
Personal Items:
*3 Spiral Notebooks (separate)
4 glue sticks
4 Expo Markers
24 #2 Pencils - sharpened if possible
Optional Items:
Expo Markers- any kind, any color
Extra #2 Pencils
*1 headphones. We provide headphones with all of our electronics. However, if you prefer to bring your own, they must be wired, over the head only, removed from the packaging, and placed in a zip lock bag that is labeled with your child’s name so they may be returned.