
Rebecca Howland

Rebecca Howland

Assistant Principal Bluffdale

I love serving in the unique role as Assistant Principal and Counselor at Summit Academy. I believe that every person is born with a natural love for learning and it’s our job to cultivate that and to help students discover their strengths. I really care about every facet of our students - how they are doing socially, academically, and as a person. Building relationships and getting to know a student well is an essential part of what helps students to grow. 

Before working at Summit, I’ve had the opportunity to work at all levels of education K-12 for the past 20 years as a paraeducator, teacher, counselor, and an administrator. I am passionate about education and believe strongly that teachers are among the most amazing people in the world. 

When I am not engrossed in everything education, I love to spend my time with my twin daughters and husband (who is also a teacher). I also love traveling, hiking, reading, yoga/pilates, singing, and playing the piano.